Lewes Community Land Trust (CLT) is a membership based “Community Benefit Society”. With advice and support from the National CLT network, we have chosen this model in order to maximise the opportunities to develop affordable housing in Lewes through grants, loans and community fundraising. We now have a team on the Board that can progress possible developments, including skills related to property development, finance and business planning. We also have professional support locally from Action in Rural Sussex.
Anyone over 18 who lives or works in Lewes can join us as a member. Life membership costs £ 1 which buys a non transferrable share in the company and the right to vote at our General Meetings.
Members will receive regular updates on our work, be invited to General Meetings and find out more about our schemes in development.
Could you spare a few hours a month to support our activities?
We are a volunteer committee whose primary purpose is to deliver local housing that local people can afford to live in. We are supported by the National Community Land Trust Network and are at an exciting phase of development as we are about to embark on development and delivery of some homes in Lewes.
To keep costs down we rely on a voluntary workforce. We need help from volunteers who can offer support in:
IT/Website Skills
If you think that you can help, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you. If you are interested, there may also be opportunities to join our volunteer board.
Please apply via the below application form or contact